Welcome to the
Polaris M.I.H. Team
Make It Happen


If you share your affiliate link before Investing as a Client/Affiliate
You will start earning once you are invested!
Do at least minimum $100 before Sharing Link if your Intentions are to Earn Level Dividends.

If You Want to See Yourself Increase!
You must Compound daily from USDT Wallet and the Dividend Wallet
==>  into the Arbitrage Wallet.

How to Login and Activate Account

In the upper right hand corner of the page in your back office
click on the torso of the animated person.
Scroll down and you will find:
How to find your personal information in Trage

To view in PDF format, click on the downloads section in the back office.
You can also download a demo of the software in action.

Check Often to Stay Informed!

Learn how to keep updated with Trage Tech
A Memo
Trage’s official channel to communicate system upgrades, scheduled maintenance, updates, promotions, etc:
B – Downloads
PDF Full presention documents detailing current events,  etc:


How to view Arbitrage Live trades
Trage Live Arbitrage tradingÂ

Here is Some Info You Can Use:

Once you make your deposit you have to click on the arbitrage wallet then click deposit to get the funds from your USDT Wallet into the arbitrage trading. In the next 48 hours you will start earning and seeing funds accumulate in your dividends wallet. You can withdraw and compound DAILY from your dividends wallet.

Phone Followup
When following up with a phone call it is  vital that you  first know what time zone they are living in.
Area Code / Time Zone

Be Sure to Take Ever Tax Advantage
Lower Taxable Income Promoting
Trage Technologies as a Business!